Posted on December 30th, 2011 by Lyon
We are very happy to announce that we have been added to a list of distributors for WHMCS. WHMCS is undeniably one of the leading billing system providers on the market today because of its wide array of features and options. As a WHMCS reseller, we are now able to provide you with a WHMCS license that will suit all of your billing system needs. WHMCS provides you with automation services that can really enhance your hosting, web development, or web design capabilities.

As a billing system, WHMCS provides hosting companies and web designers with the ability to smoothly automate daily tasks so that you can better manage your business. You can ensure that your invoices are paid on time, customize the invoices, manage your clients’ accounts, and many more so that you can spend your time on other pursuits. WHMCS makes fully managing your relationship with your customers effortless. In order to provide the best services to your clients, you will need to be able to automate some of the more tedious tasks, and this is why many business owners choose to purchase a WHMCS license to automate their virtual environment.
With a WHMCS reseller, you will find the most affordable opportunities to purchase a WHMCS license so that you can take full advantage of the automation possibilities that will not be open to you. If you are planning to set up a hosting business, a WHMCS license may be one of the most important software programs that you will purchase. Not only will you be able to easily scale all of the services offered to your specific online business, but you will also be able to provide a variety of management services to your clients quickly and easily.
Posted on December 29th, 2011 by Dan
Until 2008, WHMAutoPilot was one of the top leaders in the billing software market. This all powerful billing system was once one of the very best in the business, but after 2008, the program essentially laid dormant. Users found themselves with minimal, if any, support, and most of the WHMAutoPilot website’s features didn’t even work. It became nearly impossible to purchase a working license for the product as well. Unfortunately for the program’s developers, this pushed many people away from the product they loved so much and towards alternative software that offered better support and more upgrades.

For those who miss the innovation and ease of use that WHMAutoPilot represented, the good news is that the company recently released version 3.2.80. Better still, WHMAutoPilot has confirmed that the billing system is currently being redesigned. The goal is to help make the system considerably more powerful. The goal for developers is to actually rewrite, redesign, and rethink the entire approach of WHMAutoPilot. This certainly offers hope for those still using the system, as well as those who turned away only reluctantly. The question, however, is whether users are willing to come back to a company that many feel simply abandoned them.
Will WHMAutoPilot be able to pick up where they left off, regaining their momentum and their market share? With the new version still under development, it is certainly too early to answer this question just yet. WHMAutoPilot 3.3.0 will certainly give us a good idea of where the company intends to take the product and what direction they will be heading in, but the overall success of the product is just as dependent on whether or not the company will be able to regain its consumer base. The future of WHMAutoPilot is still unknown, but many are anxiously waiting to see what 3.3.0 will have in store.
Posted on December 26th, 2011 by Lyon
When you are looking to choose an external provider for your software license, making the right choice is critical. There are actually a vast number of things that you will need to consider during this process. For example, how long as the provider you are considering been around? How long has their domain name been registered? The software license provider you choose essentially holds the keys to your kingdom, as they literally hold the license keys that you need in order to make your software work. Don’t choose a company that has not established itself or that may disappear just as quickly as it appeared. You need to know your provider, and you shouldn’t hesitate to perform the research required to do this.

A good idea when looking to choose a provider is to really get to know and understand the company, but an equally good idea is to stay up to date with the software license provider as well. If they have a newsletter, subscribe to it and take the time to read it. This will give you the latest information, can help you learn about new features and promotions, and will help you see if your software license provider is staying up to date on the latest software and technologies. In most cases, you will even find that signing up for the newsletter offered by your external license provider can even give you discounts on newly released licenses and programs that might help make your web hosting service more effective or more efficient.
Choosing the right external license provider is crucial. Take the time to get to know any company before purchasing a license. Make sure that they not only offer what you need, but that they have a history of offering functional keys for the best and most effective software solutions. With a good knowledge of the company’s past and the ability to watch their present and future growth, you can be certain you are choosing the right software license company.
Posted on December 15th, 2011 by Dan
When it comes to billing systems, Blesta has long been regarded as one of the best. The award winning system has many features and benefits that help make it a top choice, but what happens when it doesn’t fit the needs of your business. What options are available to you when you need a different billing system? Believe it or not, there are many alternatives to Blesta on the market today. WHMCS, WHMAutoPilot, ClientExec, and more can provide many of the same services but with different features and benefits.

It is important to realize that there is not a one size fits all solution that will work for every business. Replacing Blesta can be beneficial if the software does not have all of the features that you are looking for, but you need to be certain that you are replacing it with a better solution. Are you looking for a billing system that provides better documentation and records, one that provides a better tutorial, or one with a more recognized name? Spend some time studying programs such as ClientExec and WHMCS so that you can be certain that you are making the right choice for your needs.
If you are having a difficult time understanding which billing system solution would be best for your business, don’t guess. Contact the LicenseCube customer service group at any time. We would be more than happy to offer you an in-depth explanation of the differences between our billing systems so that you can find the right Blesta alternative for your company and your needs. We will gladly offer you the advice that you are seeking as well as any assistance you need to determine which billing system software will be suited more ideally to your needs. WHMCS, WHMAutoPilot, and ClientExec are all tremendous programs, but the goal is to find the one that is best for you.
Tell us what you think about Blesta! What Blesta alternative are you using? How long have you been using it for? Tell us, we certainly want to hear more about your Blesta alternative!
Posted on December 13th, 2011 by Lyon
SolusVM has long been one of the most powerful virtualization options for consumers working within a budget or cost conscious atmosphere, and the program has just gotten better. SolusVM has just released a new module that enables customers to easily automate the management of their virtual private servers using a WHMCS module. This new feature will allow a large number of hosting providers to be able to take a more passive or “hands off” approach to deploying VPS services for customers all across the globe.

The new WHMCS module from SolusVM offers a surprising forty plus configurable fields. The module can also easily provision servers based on their locations and can also provide a myriad of other features and enhancements to improve the virtualization experience. Installing the SolusVM WHMCS module is a very straightforward process, and one that should not take more than about fifteen to twenty minutes in total from start to finish. The company provides extensive documentation on how to perform the integration as well, helping to ensure that every step of the process is as seamless and stress free as possible.
Provisioning your VPS servers regardless of location has never been quite as easy as it will be with the new SolusVM WHMCS module. When integrated and installed, this module will allow you to fully and completely manage your SolusVM system directly from within your billing system. Virtualization is a key part of hosting and hosting reselling, and having the best features and modules available helps to expand your offerings as well as to make your business more effective and cost efficient. The new WHMCS module from SolusVM really offers a wide range of features and is certainly something that any company looking to automate VPS deployment will be well served to take the time to consider.
Are you using the SolusVM WHM module? Do you have feedback that you wish to share? Perhaps your looking for another billing system module for SolusVM, such as Ubersmith, share your viewpoints with the community!
Posted on November 19th, 2011 by Dan
Finding a new billing system for your business can be a very daunting task. Whether you are worried that your old billing system is no longer capable of meeting your needs or it has been taken out of operation, you need to be able to transition to a newer and more effective billing system quickly. Finding a solid ClientExec alternative may seem like a daunting task, but WHMCS actually provides the ideal solution. This alternative billing system is packed with important features such as multiple language support and easy management of themes. You will also find that WHMAutoPilot is a viable alternative as well, providing low resource requirements, automated account provisioning, and more.
WHMCS is certainly an excellent alternative to ClientExec. The software includes a very fast and very easy auto-installer that helps you get your sites online quickly. Total installation takes no more than about fifteen minutes, which greatly reduces your time spent offline. WHMCS offers a number of additional features, such as automated billing and signups, advanced reporting, and more. It is also integrated with more than sixty payment gateways and is designed to be highly developer friendly. When you are looking for a ClientExec alternative that will work for you, this is certainly a top option.

With WHMCS, you will find that there are many benefits as well. The software includes extensive gateway support as well as solid anti-fraud and security measures. It supports cPanel, WHM, and Plesk control panels, is easy to set up and use, and can be quickly and simply outfitted with custom modules.
No matter what your needs in terms of seeking ClientExec alternative, we can help. Let us show you which licenses would be best for your business need and let us assist you in finding a solution that will work to get your billing system back up and running as quickly as possible.