Posted on October 13th, 2012 by Lyon
Learning a new language can be a challenging process, and when your users are mainly from a non-English speaking geographical location and your control panel is in English, this can often be more confusing and complicated than needed. This is why Installatron can now be translated manually or automatically into almost any language that you’ll ever use. The beauty of using an auto-installer like Installatron that allows you multi-language support is that you can really broaden the amount of customers that your business can appeal to. By purchasing an Installatron license, you will have full access to the most flexible auto-installer on the market, and you will also be able to allow your users to view your site in any number of different languages.

Additionally, all features within Installatron can be translated making it a fully translated application, and everything in the language that you are selecting without your customers having to pick through certain sections that are hard-coded in English like some of the rival auto-installers. If you are in need of a multi-language auto-installer, then an Installatron license is an excellent option. Read the rest »
Posted on March 28th, 2012 by Lyon
The capable of installing more than fifty different scripts with only a single click, tens of thousands of users have benefitted from Fantastico since it was first introduced. But what about companies looking for an application with more premade scripts or more options? There are a lot of companies out there offering auto-installer benefits, but only a few really stand out as leaders in the industry. In fact, as a viable alternative to a Fantastico license, there are really only two options that we would recommend.

The first option is a Softaculous license, which is definitely an industry leading auto-installer. The program offers more than 200 applications that can be installed with a single click, including a variety of both paid and open source applications. Read the rest »
Posted on January 22nd, 2012 by Lyon
Since there are so many auto installer programs on the market, you may be wondering what the difference is between an Installatron license and a Fantastico license. Both of these programs offer you the ability to integrate new web applications into your virtual environment very simply, but there are a few differences to take note of. For one, Installatron has the fastest update process available and an official set of applications and installers. These can be enabled and updated automatically. An Installatron license will also allow you to keep your installations secure and up-to-date.

While Fantastico allows you to install many popular applications, Installatron makes the installation process much easier, and the program can automatically filter versions that are incompatible with your system. Installatron allows administrators, hosting providers, and users to restore and create different backups and snapshots depending on their needs, and you can also create unique and customized application installers directly from Installatron. An Installatron license offers much more than that as it will also allow you to reduce your costs, and since there are so many excellent licensing options, an Installatron license will fit into any budget. There are also no additional fees with Installatron like there are with other auto installer programs on the market.
With a Fantastico license, you will still be able to install great applications with adaptable features, but your options will be more limited. Installatron allows users to import applications directly from other existing programs like Fantastico or Plesk, and this can be extremely beneficial if you have tried these other programs and like some of the applications that they offer.
In contrast to a Fantastico license, an Installatron license will allow you to integrate with multiple control panels, making it extremely versatile. If you choose to change to a different control panel, then you will not have to purchase another auto-installer like a Fantastico license; you can take Installatron with you!
Posted on November 30th, 2011 by Dan
There is no doubt that Softaculous is one of the most powerful auto-installer programs on the market today. The company has implemented a vast number of scripts for some of the biggest and most popular programs available. But that doesn’t mean that a Softaculous license is right for everyone, or even that the company is without complaint. A recent outage experienced by the folks at Softaculous left a wide range of users unable to place orders or update their installations- a problem that cost the company a fair number of customers in the process. If you are looking for a good alternative to Softaculous, we have a couple of options that might work well for you.
The two options we provide that compare or perhaps even outshine Softaculous in some ways are Fantastico and Installatron. Both of these auto-installer programs serve to give customers support for multiple languages and to offer a large number of scripts and programs that can be installed with only a single click. An Installatron license also offers a couple of other benefits, including the ability to work with virtually every single control panel available on the market today, including all major control panels, and the ability to support the Application Packaging Standard (APS) which will allow you to easily integrate your own software applications into the auto-installer.
The bottom line is that both Fantastico, with its 50+ open source scripts and a customer base of more than one million users per day, and Installatron, offer a viable alternative for people who are looking to move away from Softaculous. Whether you find that your faith in the software was shaken after the recent outage or it is just no longer capable of meeting your needs, it can help to know that there are high quality alternatives out there. Fantastico and Installatron alike offer excellent automation that can help you make your hosting service more user friendly and thus much more marketable to your end users.
Posted on July 20th, 2011 by Dan
Here at LicenseCube, we are always striving to offer as many software licenses as possible. We know every business is different, that is why we want to offer a myriad of different licenses to choose from. LicenseCube is known for its wide selection of control panels licenses such as Plesk, billing systems such as WHMCS, auto-installers such as Fantastico, SiteBuilders such as RVSiteBuilder and many more! We are happy to announce the addition of InterWorx, Installatron and SolusVM, adding even more product choices to the lineup! Read on as we give you a quick overview of our newest additions!

InterWorx is a feature rich control panel perfect for hosting platforms running on Linux based VPS and dedicated servers. On of the features that set InterWorx apart is that it can be run on a single VPS or dedicated server but can also be used to create a load balancing cluster of servers. This is certainly a plus for web hosting businesses that want to have an edge on the competition.
SolusVM is a wonderful control panel that supports many flavors of Linux and Windows virtualizations, including OpenVZ, Xen and KVM. With a SolusVM license you can easily manage tasks such as creating and destroying accounts, provisioning, suspending, upgrading, rebooting and much more. With this system, you also have access to a vast array of functions and client statistics.
Installatron is an auto-installer that works well for web hosting control panel systems including DirectAdmin, cPanel, Enkompass, InterWorx and Plesk. Installatron has an easy-to-use, yet powerful, interface that allows you to instantly install and upgrade the most popular applications available!
Posted on July 5th, 2011 by Dan
Auto-installers can generally be used on only a certain number of Operating Systems, control panels, and other programs. For a first time user or even a seasoned user, Installatron eliminates that problem because Installatron can run on any control panel, on any operating system without being limited to any specific auto-installable application. This is extremely helpful for users that need versatility from their auto-installer, and since you can know that without a doubt, your control panel will work with Installatron, you won’t have to waste time looking at products that you simply can’t use.

When you purchase an Installatron license, you have the freedom to do what you need to do without being tied down to a certain control panel. You can even make your own applications and have them instantly installed with a single click. Licensing Installatron not only makes it simple to operate the program, but also you can add applications and scripts in a flash with ease. Installatron really does make things easy and straightforward for everyone including the end-user, which undoubtedly to most businesses is the most important one.
Installatron, with its diverse set of features and rich list of applications available, is a dream for any control panel user, and an Installatron license will allow you to take full advantage of the benefits to using an auto-installer that is versatile enough to be used on different control panels and operating systems. Since most auto-installers are so limited in their scope, an Installatron license will give you the edge that you have been looking for so that you can take your business to the next level with exciting, engaging applications and adaptable functionality. You can purchase an Installatron license on a trial basis, so that you can play with the features and begin to understand the customization options and flexibility of the program.