Posted on July 18th, 2011 by Dan
The ClientExec team is so dedicated to customer satisfaction that they have been working tirelessly over their new billing systems software release – ClientExec 4.1. There are many exciting new features that you can expect on the new release, and the developers have taken months to program, design, and re-engineer the billing systems software to meet the needs of their clients. Their masterpiece is about to be released, and many people are looking forward to seeing what this new ClientExec 4.1 software will have to offer. The ClientExec team has given a sneak peak into some of the new features, for example, stock control, powerful product handling, a team calendar, and a more intuitive interface. ClientExec has been one of the most powerful billing systems ever created, and with the new features, the speculation and excitement over the new release continues to rise.

The expanded functionality of the program shows the innovative steps that the ClientExec Company is taking to increase the functionality and usability of their billing systems software. It has been one of the most popular programs for hosting billing systems, but now that it has been improved, the possibilities for using the software are even broader. This is something that other billing systems have not done, and licensing ClientExec is setting new standards in the hosting billing systems industry. The countless features and extensive extras on the ClientExec 4.1 program make the program even more appealing.
ClientExec 4.1 is expected to be a massive success, and they are blowing the hosting billing systems competition out of the water. While the release date for ClientExec 4.1 has yet to be revealed to the public, the speculation is that the stable version is going to be released in as little as 3 – 4 more weeks. So hold your breath as the new billing systems software hits the market and takes the industry by storm!
Posted on July 14th, 2011 by Brad
cPanel is one of the most popular control panel programs on the market because of the user-friendly interface, the advanced features, and the heightened security preferences on the site. cPanel lets you create backups with ease that you have never experienced with any other control panel. You can enjoy the cPanel backup wizard that lets you download a backup of your site directly to your desktop. With a control panel license like cPanel, you can also receive notifications via e-mail once the backup copy has been completed so that you can leave it working without any worry.

A cPanel license is very easy to obtain, and if you are more interested in using the control panel for just a few months to see if it has everything that you need, then you can obtain a control panel license on a monthly basis. A monthly control panel license is great for many people because you do not have to purchase it outright, you can experiment with the software by leasing it monthly so that you can determine whether the cPanel license gives you what your business needs to stay successful and create a more streamlined virtual environment, so that you as the webmaster and administrator can spend less time on tedious daily tasks.
With a cPanel license, you can also backup your control panels via a command line with one command (/scripts/pkgacct USERNAME). Once you have your cPanel backups, restoring them is a very simple process. It is just as easy to restore your cPanel accounts through your WHM or through the command line using (/scripts/restorepkg USERNAME). Either way, a cPanel license makes working with backups a breeze, and it is certainly the best control panel license on the market for automating and managing your hosting client accounts and other important business data. With a control panel license from cPanel, you can take full advantage of one of the most popular and feature-rich programs on the market.
Posted on July 12th, 2011 by Meredith
Since cloud hosting is a fairly new service on the Internet, many of the cloud hosting billing systems do not provide adequate services yet. There is a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak when it comes to OnApp’s cloud hosting services. OnApp is a software provider that specializes in cloud hosting and produces modules for most of the popular billing systems such as WHMCS, Ubersmith, and ClientExec. They also incorporate an API feature that allows for easy integration with third party applications.

The dedicated modules that they use can integrate with WHMCS to enhance the flexibility and adaptability of your cloud hosting environment. With WHMCS, your customers can manage their virtual environment directly from the WHMCS portal, and this integration makes overseeing your billing system simple and effective. You can utilize the same principles with ClientExec or Ubersmith, and the way that OnApp allows for optimal cloud hosting environments is really a breath of fresh air for those that use cloud services. Formerly, it was very difficult to integrate your billing system into a cloud hosting environment, but now you can integrate it quickly and easily if you switch to the cloud.
Using these modules, you can transform your existing WHMCS billing system easily into a cloud based billing system. A cloud billing system will bill your customers for overages and other resources that have been utilized on your cloud, generating additional revenue for your business. Best of all is that the WHMCS billing system module is free and comes standard with the WHMCS program. WHMCS is a program that is built upon a strong foundation, and many people are looking for a way to incorporate the powerful features of the cloud with the functionality and reliability of WHMCS. With OnApp, this can all be accomplished.
Posted on July 11th, 2011 by Dan
When it comes to controls, there are few scripts that enable hosting companies to become audio streaming hosts. In reality, there are almost none that provide real-time controls over customers’ resource usage. Luckily, you can purchase a program like WHMSonic that allows you to do all of these things and so much more. From live streaming radio stations to creating your very own radio streaming service, WHMSonic has the market cornered on all services related to Internet radio. If you are a hosting provider, this is one of the best programs that you can offer to help your hosting business stand apart from your competitors. WHMSonic will allow you to offer your clients a more personalized website space, and since it is very easy to integrate and to use, you can rest assured that your customers will enjoy the user-friendly interface on WHMSonic.

The purpose of WHMSonic is to make your life simpler by giving you the options that you need to add live streaming radio to your websites, create your own play lists, use an Auto DJ function, or even configure a live DJ. You can also use flash players with WHMSonic. It is really revolutionizing the industry by offering so many radio streaming services at a great price. It can be integrated easily onto a cPanel control panel, and many hosting plans may offer WHMSonic in their feature set.
Additionally, WHMSonic supports over 8 languages within its interface, allowing you to provide your customers with language support in their own native languages. If you can appeal to more customers worldwide, then you can great increase your opportunity for expansion. WHMSonic is ahead of the game in many respects because they offer radio streaming and controls as well as language support and High-Definition quality sound. With all of these features and many others, this is one of the best products on the market for radio services.
Posted on July 7th, 2011 by Dan
Softaculous is a script installation service that offers 200+ scripts ready for install at the click of a button, and you have the ability to view demos for all of the scripts before installing so that you can determine if they are what you need. Softaculous offers many great scripts for those looking to add to their e-Commerce site. They offer Commerce scripts such as Zen Cart, Magento, PrestaShop, and TomatoCart. If you are looking for a shopping cart program to add to your online store, then Softaculous will give you a number of different options to choose form. With a Softaculous license, you will not only be able to choose a shopping cart, but you will also be able to sort through a vast array of other scripts that will add functionality and excitement to your virtual environment.

In terms of eCommerce shopping cart software, Zen Cart is one of the most impressive programs on the market. For those who order a Softaculous license, the shopping cart software is free, user friendly, and extremely versatile. Zen Cart takes a more intuitive approach to design so that users will be able to complete the transaction process very quickly and efficiently. Since the checkout process should be swift, developers have taken the initiative to create eCommerce shopping cart solutions like Zen Cart, Tomato Cart, Magento, and PrestaShop to make the purchasing experience more enjoyable and relaxed for your customers.
Magento is quickly becoming one of the most popular eCommerce shopping cart software programs on the market, and with a Softaculous license, you can enhance the style and customization of your checkout experience. With a Softaculous license, you will have access to a number of other helpful scripts like blogs, CMS portals, image galleries, video feeds, RSS, educational scripts, and much more. If you are looking for an auto-installer with the most available scripts on the market for you to choose form, then Softaculous is the only name that you need to know!
Posted on July 6th, 2011 by Brad
ClientExec has recently experienced another new update with a lot of exciting features. The groundbreaking release of the 4.1 Beta takes into account some issues that were arising with the earlier version of ClientExec. The billing system ClientExec has seen a migration from Alpha 4.1 to Beta 4.1, and although it may not sound like a big leap, it is one of the more advanced flagship versions of ClientExec 4.1, so it is definitely worth taking notice of. The vast amount of improvements give testament to the meticulous way that the developers of the software maintain the integrity of their program by constantly adding new features and using feedback from their customers to create a better, more well-rounded product.

The ClientExec billing system has long been known for it ease of use and the many added benefits and features that allow you to automate and customize many aspects of your current billing system, but now the ClientExec 4.1 Beta edition is becoming a staple of the market with its advanced technology seamlessly integrated into an already outstanding piece of software. Licensing ClientExec is stable as far as a billing systems are concerned, and it has been completely streamlined so that all of the updates and improvements integrate effortlessly onto the existing interface. One of the major improvements to the system is the way that ClientExec handles domain name services: domain registration, domain updates, and pricing features. In previous versions, it was more difficult to manage the overall product, and the new improvements to ClientExec have made it much easier to use.
Other features on the new ClientExec 4.1 Beta include updates to the dashboard including stylized widgets, a customized “Today at a Glance” plug-in, the option to bundle products, and a more intuitive system for resellers to acquire new licenses directly from the ClientExec billing system software. Overall, the additions have paved the way for even more enthusiasm about the new, improved ClientExec billing system program.