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cPanel Makes Fighting Spam as Simple as 1-2-3

If you hate waking up in the morning only to find that your inbox is full of spam messages that have absolutely nothing interesting in them, then you may need to re-tune your anti-spam settings on your web hosting account. When it comes to cPanel anti-spam solutions, you have two different options that you can choose from to clear out your inbox. SpamAssassin uses a content-matching function to assess whether an e-mail contains spam, and the SpamBox tool is a folder that will contain all of your spam e-mails. By using SpamAssassin and the SpamBox, you can create an e-mail account that is free from spam with the best Internet security available.

cPanel Spam Protection cPanel Makes Fighting Spam as Simple as 1 2 3

Both the SpamAssassin and the SpamBox are designed to provide you with infinity less spam so that you are only browsing relevant e-mails with information that you need. By using these two programs, you can dramatically cut down on the spam that you receive so that your mailbox is clean and organized. SpamBox and SpamAssassin are two of the ways that a cPanel licenses provides you with Internet security and more control over the content that you receive from directly within your control panel.

As if combating spam on cPanel wasn’t easy enough with SpamAssassin and SpamBox, you can also enable RBLs (Real-time Block Lists) that prevent unauthorized e-mails from even coming into your inbox. If they are sent from a source that was reported as a spammer, the RBLs will reject the e-mails before they clutter up your inbox. Having all of these features, cPanel makes it extremely simple to filter your inbox so that you only browse the e-mails that you actually want to see. Licensing cPanel not only allows you to use the Internet security preferences that you need for a safe and stable web space, but you can also use the SpamAssassin and SpamBox features to further enhance your online experience.

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