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SolusVM Alternatives – Do They Exist?

Virtualization is still one of the biggest things for hosting resellers, but many feel that SolusVM is the only virtualization option available.  It is true that SolusVM is one of the very few programs that is geared specifically towards a cost conscious market, which means that finding a viable and equally beneficial alternative is a bit harder, but that does not make it impossible.  There are certainly alternative virtualization programs out there, but it is going to take a bit of hard work and research to find one that offers the same benefits for the same price point as SolusVM license.  In truth, you are likely going to need to spend more in order to find another product.

solusvm alternative SolusVM Alternatives   Do They Exist?

The best alternative to SolusVM is absolutely going to be Virtuozzo from Parallels, but the bottom line is that you are going to have to spend more in order to make the switch.  If cost is your main reason for using SolusVM, you may be best to continue using the program, but if cost isn’t a factor, you may find that you prefer Virtuozzo for a number of reasons.  It is worth noting that Parallels Virtuozzo, is the absolute leader when it comes to virtualization.  The company has been doing virtual machines since 2001, which is when Virtuozzo, or VZ, was created as a container management system.

You will find that Virtuozzo offers a very wide range of tools and features that you can use to manage your virtual container environments on a day to day basis.  The program is certainly a viable and recommended alternative to SolusVM.  While it is a more expensive virtualization option, most find that the added features and tools, combined with the experience and reputation of Parallels as a whole, make it one that is well worth the upgrade.

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