Control panel users have a number of different options available, and with so many software programs on the market, it can be challenging to choose the one that will benefit your hosting, web design, or web development business the most. The Parallels Plesk control panel is one of the most popular software programs on the market because it is versatile, scalable, and dynamic. There are a few distinct reasons that Plesk is more popular than its competitors, and with a Plesk license, you will be able to fully benefit from their upgrades and industry advancements.
Easy to Use: The Plesk control panel is very simple to understand, and even novice users can begin using the control panel program right out of the box. The interface is very intuitive so end users and administrators will be able to easily navigate the software. The rich array of features and the easily customizable options also make Parallels Plesk the best choice on the market.
Profitable: The Partner Storefront is a new invention for Plesk, and this feature allows hosting providers to increase their profits by joining forces with Plesk to add a small business panel to their website. The storefront allows you to monetize customers by offering web-based applications that are already configured and do not require additional development. You can simply select your favorite applications, notify Plesk of your selections, send them a logo design, and watch a short webinar to get acquainted with the process. After that, Plesk does all the work!
Complete: A Parallels Plesk license will not only allow you to use the premium control panel, but you will also have access to an amazing SiteBuilder and a dynamic billing system. Plesk Billing and Plesk SiteBuilder are two of the features of the premium Plesk license, and with these elements, you will be able to skyrocket your business’s success!
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