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ClientExec 4.1 Release: May 20th 2011 (at the latest!)

While no official release dates have been confirmed yet, there have been rumors that the latest version of ClientExec 4.1 should be released by the middle of the month. According to speculation, ClientExec 4.1 is currently undergoing the testing process so that it can be released as quickly as possible to the public. Everyone is waiting to see how the ClientExec system will have changed with this upgrade. The developers have worked tirelessly to give ClientExec an even more intuitive interface and a stronger, more powerful feature set.

ClientExec is going to have a vast amount of new features such as integrated live chat, unified invoices, and many other features that have not yet been disclosed. The unified invoices are a really interesting upgrade because they allow you to merge multiple invoices into a single one, making the transaction process much simpler for both administrator and client. ClientExec is continually upgrading their software so that they can better meet the needs of their customers, but this ClientExec release is set to be the best ever.

ClientExec 4.1 Screenshot ClientExec 4.1 Release: May 20th 2011 (at the latest!)

Recently, ClientExec released the new software to an beta test group to make sure that there are no major bugs or errors that need to be fixed before it is released to the rest of the world. The interesting thing is that ClientExec is already running the new software on their system, but since they are aware that they may run into a few minor problems, they are allowing it to be tested thoroughly before most of their customers have access to it. Some of the feature upgrades that you can expect on the new ClientExec platform are stock control, powerful product handling, a few updates to the admin center, a team calendar function, and a redesigned front end. With all of the new features on ClientExec, they are taking a significant step in the right direction.

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